
Everything You Need To Know About Vampire Facials

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Everything You Need To Know About Vampire Facials
PRP injection - Lip Injections and Lip Filler | White Coat Aesthetics in Las Vegas, NV

You may have heard about the vampire facials, made popular by celebrities like Kim Kardashian. This treatment, also known as microneedling with PRP, is a skin rejuvenation procedure that involves drawing a small amount of blood from your arm, separating platelets in a centrifuge, and incorporating the “liquid gold” during a microneedling treatment. This procedure provides many benefits, including younger-looking skin, and is safe for just about everyone. Read on to find out more about it!

What is a vampire facial?
A vampire facial is basically the combination of a microneedling treatment with PRP. PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma and is a combination of two elements: plasma (the liquid portion of your blood) and platelets (blood cells that play a key role in your body’s healing process.) The PRP used during the treatment contains a concentrated amount of growth factors that help to heal and repair your skin as well as promoting collagen production in the area. Combining this “liquid gold” with a microneedling treatment deeply rejuvenates your skin and helps to give patients a brighter and more youthful complexion.

What is the process?
Vampire facials must be performed in an office setting with professional, sterile equipment to avoid any risk of contamination or infections. The whole process can be broken down into 3 main steps. The first step is the initial blood draw, which is relatively painless and takes less than a minute to complete. The second step involves placing your blood in our ProGen PRP centrifuge to separate the plasma and platelets from the red blood cells. Our ProGen PRP device is FDA-cleared and is more efficient than other local PRP devices at capturing platelets, delivering more PRP per blood draw so you get more out of it per treatment.

While the PRP is being processed, our medical-grade numbing cream is applied to your face and neck to manage any discomfort. Once the numbing cream is active, we do a thorough cleanse and proceed to microneedle the PRP into the skin.

The PRP should remain on the skin for the rest of the day to maximize results. Patients will notice dry, red, sensitive skin, much like a light sunburn for the first few days after treatment. This entire process takes approximately 1 hour.

What are the benefits?
There are many benefits to the vampire facial, including:

-Can stimulate collagen production
-Plump up sagging skin
-Boosting cell turnover
-Improves skin tone & texture
-Reduces fine lines, wrinkles
-Combats other visible signs of aging
-Low risk with long-lasting results

Those sufferring from aging, crepey skin will be best results from a series of 3 Vampire Facials.

Am I a candidate?
Candidates for this treatment should be in good health and do not have any serious skin conditions or a history of blood disease including clotting, autoimmune, or bleeding disorders.

The bottom line
The vampire facial is a non-surgical, minimally invasive way to achieve younger, brighter-looking skin. If you’re interested in what a Vampire facial can do for you, feel free to schedule a consultation with our experienced providers today.

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